Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Our Trip to Florida

The long promised photos are now available... actually, after we looked at the photos there really weren't many of them. We will publish more photo and a video later, but here are a few of them:

We arrived at Fort Jefferson - a really cool place. Fort Jefferson takes up almost all of Key Dry Tortugas, and is a 2 hour boat ride from the civilization. Cuban refugees land on this island almost daily (although I was not fortunate enough to see a landing myself):

Alison looking sexy on Key Biscayne:

Both of us hanging out on the beach:

A picture of me (Tom) looking super tan, flexing all of my muscles and trying to look cool (and probably succeeding, probably):

~Glamour shot removed due to popular outrage~

The trip was great, and a great deal for us. We had a really fun time. Check out the slide show for additional photos.


Pete said...

Tommy, I am fatter than you... I WIN!!!! YES!!! Time to starve myself

Sarah said...

Thanks for having us over the other night. I was really fun! Nice pictures.

Anonymous said...

I am page viewer number 900... I WIN!!!

JRo said...

popular outrage huh... hahah! that's awesome. someone needs to steal that. anyways... Ali, I'd like to see some photos from your bro, that sounds way cool! ya I need to make photography more of a hobby... it's fun.