Friday, April 11, 2008

A Brief Glimpse of Heaven

Jeff and Seth may remember the test we took in high school that told us whether we were “left brained” (analytical), or “right brained” (creative). According to the test I (Tom) had virtually no left brain qualities. In 9th grade the career placement program told me that my 2 best career paths would be a lumberjack or a forest ranger. Somehow, I ended up in commercial mortgage banking… But, as you can see by my crooked bamboo plant, I still have an interest in the outdoors.

I also have a pretty nice view of Big Cottonwood Canyon from my desk.

I actually like my job though—so much for career placement tests! Although being a lumberjack sounds exciting…


Sarah said...

Thats a really funny story. Now I know why Seth told me I shouldn't major in Math Ed. That darn survey.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone wants to see your crooked bamboo plant!

Cade is a real person! said...

As you can see by the picture, no right brained people have jobs. They just waste their lives living off the taxes people like me and Tom pay to the government.

Anonymous said...
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